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What Happened to the Joshua Generation?
According to ancient wisdom texts, a wise person leaves an inheritance to their children’s children. In the macro, a wise people leave a cultural inheritance for generations to come.
A cultural inheritance is vast, but at its core are ideas and beliefs.
After times change, a new generation appears that is the first of its kind. Certain notions that were maintained for generations no longer apply. When nonessential concepts are passed down to this generation, they inherit a burden, not a benefit.
During his presidential campaign in 2007, Barack Obama alluded to this situation.
Obama described the Moses generation and the Joshua generation at a black church. Moses led the people out of slavery, while Joshua led them into the promised land. Obama told the congregation that the Moses generation had taken black America 90% of the way. Now the question is: what is the Joshua generation expected to accomplish in the promised land?
Obama became the country’s first black president. His historic victory made Americans ponder if racism was still the most significant impediment to black advancement in the United States.
Two camps emerged, each with opposing beliefs to pass down to the next generation. Racism, according to Camp One, still exists, but it is no…